The German Authorities And The Cultural League Of The German Jews. Source: Y. Arad, Y. Gutman, Abraham Margaliot, eds., Documents on the Holocaust ( Yad Vashem 1981) p. 67-8. June 19, 1934 Hans Hinkel Staatskommissar NSDAP [Nazi Party] Gau Hessen-Nassau District Office, Frankfurt on Main In reply to your inquiry of June 6, 1934, I wish to state that, for a variety of reasons, it is to be permitted for the Jews to join together in an Organization, the Cultural League of German Jews ( Kulturbund deutscher Juden ), which will be supervised by the State Police and other Party organizations. The main reasons for this [permission], apart from intentions connected with foreign policy, is the easier supervision and the concentration of the intellectual-artistic Jews in an organization where Jews will “make art” only for Jews. Permission has been given generally for the State of Prussia, because the Secret State Police, which is mainly responsible for the supervision, gave its express approval. The existence of this Jewish organization will depend on its observance of various conditions. One of these conditions is that the gatherings of the Association will not be advertised publicly. Immediately on receipt of your communication I was in touch with Dr. Singer, the head of the local central office of the Association, with the urgent request that he inform the associated organizations and responsible colleagues that in future publicly exhibited posters or announcements in shops would no longer be tolerated and would endanger the whole work of the Association. Heil Hitler! .